Golden Eagle Takes Us On An Adventure Out Of This World!

Earth from STS-26

Earth from STS-26


The BIBLE (THE WORD OF GOD) has the answers to life. The Bible says in Revelation 4:11

“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”

“…Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.” Revelation 21:3

“In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go TO PREPARE A PLACE FOR YOU.” John 14:2

Golden Eagle and Grand Tetons ©Kayforkatie

Golden Eagle and Grand Tetons ©Kayforkatie

I know that I am just a bird. A Golden Eagle, in fact. But, my Heavenly Father feeds me and takes care of me. In fact, God feeds all of the animals that He created and all of the people that he created. When Jesus entered Jerusalem, a long time ago, He said that if the people didn’t shout His glory, the rocks would shout it out. They cried, “Blessed be the KING that cometh in the name of the Lord: peace in heaven, and glory in the highest.” Luke 19:38

Well, this is one eagle that wants to shout out to the glory of God!

Dubai-Diamond ©WikiC

Dubai-Diamond ©WikiC

The God of the Universe, the Lord Jesus Christ, went to make us a beautiful diamond city. The streets are paved with gold and the gates are made of pearls. The buildings are also made with gold and the twelve foundations are made with the most beautiful gems that a Holy God can create. In future visits, I will direct your attention to the last two chapters in the Revelation.

Rainbow Across Yellowstone Lake ©David Grimes

Rainbow Across Yellowstone Lake ©David Grimes

This beautiful city will sparkle and give off the colours of the rainbow ans so much more. The light will glitter ans shine as the reflected rays radiate out from the Son of God. We are destined for this city in the sky, if and only if we have accepted Jesus Christ and His death on the cross for payment for our sins. His blood is precious, and He has carried our sins away. Surely, you want to go to Heaven?

ASK JESUS TO FORGIVE YOU AND SAVE YOU RIGHT NOW! You will be on your adventurous journey right now.

Heaven is a real place. Hell is a real place. They both exists in this present Universe. The choice is yours. In the coming days, we will take our journey through parts of the Word of God!

Reflection of Flower in the River ©WikiC

Reflection of Flower in the River ©WikiC

See you in the Heavens in the future. Where the river is clear as crystal, where the gold is clear as crystal, where the sea of glass is clear as crystal and where Jesus shines as bright as the sun! Till next time, this is Golden Eagle looking for the golden city. It will not be much longer now. Learn all that you guys can learn…


Kid’s Corner

Golden Eagle
